Saturday, January 29, 2011

Minnie's Pinstripe Tomato

Just wanted to share some information about this tomato. I am actually pretty proud of them as I was the one that named it and introduced it last year.
Minnie's Pinstripe - they are a beefsteak, up to 2 lbs in size though most will be in the 12-18oz range. They are yellow/ orange have red strips that radiate out at the blossom end and the shoulders are yellow. The interior flesh is marbled red and yellow with few seeds. Indeterminate RL. Seed originally came from an older lady in Bowling Green KY who has been growing it for years. Mild but tangy real tomato flavor. Has never been publicly released (well in till now LOL.)

After last season I gave away most of my seed for this variety. I had people from all over the US and had one fellow in Germany that wanted to grow it in the 2011 season. I know one seed seller that requested seed as well so maybe in a year or two it will become more available.  I will plant out some this year as well and hopefully will be able to save more seed to give away again this coming year.  

Just think up in till this coming year only 2 people have ever grown this variety. To me this is what seed saving and seed sharing is really all about. Making sure that great heirloom and open pollinated varieties are more available to future generations. 

Next time I will be sharing my indoor seed starting project with everyone.

Till then just want to say. Some people think that snow turns to water when it melts, but I like to think that it turns into spring. So even though it has been a crazy winter with record snowfall in most of the country.  Just think of all all that snow as a sign that spring is just around the corner. 


About Me

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Hello, My name is Stephen and I live in Kentucky. I also love gardening. I guess you could call it a bit of a hobby. I figure as far as hobbies go it is a pretty rewarding one. There is nothing in the world better than growing and eating just about anything you grew yourself.
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